It is observed that in one of the Primary IPLMS servers, the processing service is running slow. It appears that the Files are not processed on time and creating a backlog pile up as a result.
As a first step the following information:
a) share the last 1 month's traffic trend (file count and file size).
b) Share the Non Natted traffic percentage
c) Share the IOPS report of all the partitions
d) Share the Health Check report of the last 7 days to validate the human error.
e) Daily backlog analysis (how many files are delayed)
f) Share the Load average of each Service on an hourly basis.
Usually, such issues can happen due to various reasons such as Hardware faults. Check if there were any changes to the Service Configuration Input/Output Path as it could be because of an issue with the specific path. If that is confirmed you can ask the customer to revert the changes to the input/output location configured for the Processing Service.
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